
"Motivational stories inspired from the lives of saints."

Reasoning of Chanakya: Three Tests

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Chanakya was famous for his reasoning, diplomacy and knowledge. One day, an acquaintance of Chanakya came near him and said in excitement, "Do you know what I heard about your friend?" Chanakya asked the man, "Before I hear anything, it needs to qualify to be heard by triple tests of reasoning." The acquaintance was not aware of any such test and hence asked, "What kind of triple tests of reasoning?"

Chanakya explained, "Before you tell me anything about my friend, it is better to review and understand what is being said. That is why I am taking triple tests of reasoning of whatever you want to tell me.

The first test is truth. As per its criteria, it is necessary for me to know that whatever you are telling is truth. And you have fully verified the truth behind it." The man said, "No, actually I only heard it from someone. I do not know if it is actually true or not."

Chanakya replied, "Ok, so you do not know whatever you heard is truth or not. No problem. Let us take the second test, that is of goodness. According to its criteria, I need to know if whatever you are going to tell me is anything good or not?" The man thought and replied, "No, it is something bad about your friend that I heard."

Chanakya said, "So, whatever you wanted to tell me is neither verified to be truth, nor it is a good thing. Ok, then lets test it on the criteria of last test. That criteria is usefulness. According to this criteria, you need to think and tell me that whatever you wish to tell me is useful to me in any manner?" The man replied, "No, I do not think it is useful in any manner."

Then, Chanakya said, "The thing that you wanted to tell me has failed in the triple tests of reasoning. It is not verified to be truth. It is not good thing to hear. And it holds no usefulness to know that thing." Saying this, Chanakya declined to listen that thing about his friend.


  1. VERY NICE.. AND A good example .. a negative rumour can create unnecessary negativity and disturbances around ... best to avoid it.. n do not let anythng influence your faith and inner peace balance !!

  2. A simple lesson,"Avoid Gossip", explained in a beautiful way! :)
    I am personally a Chankya fan too. :D



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