
"Motivational stories inspired from the lives of saints."

The Rock of Problems

Friday, 31 May 2013

Once there lived a farmer. In the middle of his farm, there was a rock. He was hit many times by that rock. Many times, he also got wounded badly after getting hit by the rock. But he just kept on tolerating all the pain. One day while he was fallowing the land, his plough got stuck with that rock and it broke. The farmer became very sad. On another day, the oxes who used to take the plough on their back, got injured by that rock. The farmer always used to feel sad and cursed his fate for getting so many problems due to the rock.

While he (along-with his family) was harvesting the crops, his wife fell on that rock and got severely injured. Now the farmer could not take pain due to the rock anymore. He decided that he will uproot that rock from his farm. With strong determination, he brought few people from his village and started digging the ground below the rock. But, only few centimeters of ground was dug and the rock fell down. Everyone felt confused and dumb-struck. One wise old man from the group of people said, "You were afraid of this stone, which was not having any strong base. Had you made the determination to uproot this rock of your problems before, you would have realized that this was not any invincible mountain, but only weak ordinary stone."

The farmer understood and promised the old man that he would never surrender himself to any problem in future and will fight it. Everyone left for their homes happily.

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