
"Motivational stories inspired from the lives of saints."

Owl and Sun

Sunday, 5 October 2014

There lived a group of owls in a forest. Among them, there was a baby owl who was fond of exploring new things. He used to fly to distant lands quite often in search of new and exciting places. His parents were quite worried of the baby owl's habit of flying to distant places. Many times they instructed and even at times scolded the baby owl to refrain from flying to distant places. But the baby owl could not resist his temptation to explore new places and often used to fly to distant places.

On one such night (owls are nocturnal, isn't it? :D ), the baby owl was flying on the outskirts of forest and saw a pond. He had never seen a pond before and hence he curiously went closer to it. A swan was sleeping near the pond. Hearing the hooting sound of baby owl, the swan woke up. The swan asked the owl about his curiosity for pond. Slowly both of them started talking about the experiences they had in their lives. During the course of discussion, the swan told the baby owl, "It looks so beautiful every morning when the first rays of the Sun falls on this pond and the sky starts changing its color from darkness to orange to blue." The baby owl had never seen anything known as 'Sun' and hence felt amazed to hear this. He asked the swan, "What is Sun? Can you show it to me?" The swan said, "Definitely, just be with me. I can assist you in seeing the Sun and the beautiful scenery I just explained."

The baby owl thought that he should inform his parents about it. It was quite late he left the home and they must be also getting worried for him. He said to swan, "My parents would be getting worried for me. I will take their permission and come back to see the Sun with you." The swan agreed and the owl swiftly flew back to his home.

His worried parents became angry on seeing him after so many hours. But baby owl did not want to miss the opportunity of seeing the Sun and hence told everything to his parents and asked for their permission. His parents became even more worried. They never heard about the Sun in their entire life and their baby was asking for permission to see it. An emergency meeting was called. All owls of the group came to the meeting. The agenda was regarding the Sun and whether they should give the permission to baby owl to see it. It was a serious question for all the owls as none of them had ever seen the Sun. The oldest of owl was appointed as the leader of the group and he was asked to give the judgement. He thought for a while and then gave his judgement, "Since none of us have ever seen the Sun, it is concluded that there is no existence of Sun. Whoever says that there is Sun is blatantly lying and wants to create a division in our group. I being the judge, declare that Sun does not exist and deny the permission to baby owl of seeing any such thing."

The baby owl became disheartened and requested if he could just tell the swan about the judgement. The leader owl agreed to his request. He flew to the pond where the swan was eagerly waiting for his return. The baby owl told about the judgement and apologized for remarks given to him by the group. The swan said, "I did not feel offended by their remarks. This does not change the truth. If you could just hold on for few minutes, you would see the Sun on your own as the night is almost over now. I request your patience for few minutes only. Just look at eastern horizon. Sunrise is near." The baby owl agreed and sat quietly near the swan looking at the eastern horizon. Soon the color of sky started changing. The dawn arrived with full valor. The baby owl was amazed to see the beauty of dawn. The rays of sun fell on the pond and many birds were now awake and could be seen flying in the sky. It was first time an owl was seeing the beauty of sunrise.

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