A leader monkey was sitting on a branch of tree with his son. His son requested, "Dad, I am hungry. Could you please provide me with some leaves to eat?" The monkey replied, "I can easily provide you enough leaves, but it would be better now if you could get those leaves yourself." The little monkey replied sadly, "Dad, but I don't have knowledge of identifying good and tasty leaves."
The monkey said, "Son, I can assist you with it. Either you can eat the rotten leaves of lower branch or make an effort to reach higher branches of tree to get tasty leaves." His son replied, "This is not fair. Why these tasty leaves do not grow in lower branches so that everyone can eat them!"
The monkey explained, "If they are so easily accessible, then they would not be available as everyone would eat those leaves." His son, however, became worried on seeing the upper branches and said, "Those upper branches are very thin. They could break because of my weight. I could slip and fall from those high branches. It could injure me."
The monkey said, "Listen son. Always remember that we often imagine something to be unnecessarily very frightening in our mind. The real danger is generally far lesser than our imagination." His son asked, "If this is true, then why all monkeys do not eat leaves of upper branches?"
The monkey thought a little and answered, "This happens because most of these monkeys are now used to live in fear. They are afraid to take any risk. They do not want to make an effort out of their comfort zone. They just eat the dirty rotten leaves of the lower branches complaining about its bad taste, but would never make an effort to reach higher branch. But you do not become like them my son. Make an effort. Get over your fear and taste the beautiful nectar of those leaves on higher branches."
The little monkey now understood what he had to do. He immediately left his fear behind and climbed to higher branches. He ate the tasty little leaves and satisfied his hunger.
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