
"Motivational stories inspired from the lives of saints."

Learning and Hope

Sunday, 29 November 2015

A son took his old father out to a good restaurant for dinner. While eating, his father dropped food items on clothes multiple times. Everyone was giving disgusting looks to the old man seeing all this. However his son was calm and unperturbed.

After the old man finished eating, his son took him to the wash room. Without feeling ashamed, he calmly cleaned his father's clothes and face. Then he brushed his father's hair and assisted in wearing glasses. Everyone quietly watched the son doing all this. The son took his father out of wash room, paid the bill and got ready to leave the restaurant.

At this point of time, another old man, who was watching all this, called the son and said, "Don't you think you are leaving behind something?" The son replied, "Sorry Sir! I don't think I am leaving anything here."

The old man replied, "You are undoubtedly leaving behind two things. First thing is the learning for all the young men for respecting their elders. Second thing is a hope that you have given to all old persons like me that such people still exist in this world, who would not leave their elderly parents in their old age."

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