
"Motivational stories inspired from the lives of saints."

Bowl of Beggar

Sunday, 24 January 2021

A poor beggar prayed to Indra god for fulfilling his wish. Indra was pleased with his prayer and appeared in front of beggar. Seeing Indra, the beggar was astonished. Indra asked the beggar for his wish. The beggar brought forward his begging bowl and said, "I pray to fill my begging bowl with the most precious things, so that my poverty may end." Indra asked the angel of wealth to fulfil his wish.

The angel of wealth saw the bowl of beggar and thought it to be too small to be filled. The angel asked the beggar, "You can bring any other bigger bowl or vessel. It is very small." However, the beggar insisted, "O great angel! I only need this much for myself. Please fulfill my wish." The angel of wealth started pouring the wealth inside the bowl. To the very surprise, whatever was being put inside was getting disappeared and bowl remained empty even after putting all wealth of paradise. The angel went to Indra god and told him about the magical bowl of beggar. Indra also came with the angel and was surprised to see a small bowl, which was still empty even after putting all the wealth.

Indra asked the beggar, "What type of bowl is this? How does it remain empty even after putting so much inside it?" The beggar said, "This is a special bowl. It is made with the skull of human and has the consumption power of human mind. There is nothing that can fill this bowl. It always remains empty. I am a beggar who will beg even after getting all wealth because my bowl remains empty."

Indra went to the abode of Almighty God and asked for the solution. God replied, "It is impossible to fill the bowl of such beggar. This mind can never get satisfied. Once you fulfill its one wish, it will create a new wish. The only way to control the mind and its emptiness is through detachment and practice. Detachment from worldly pleasures and pains. Practice of the self knowledge, the soul, which is a mirror in which a person perceives my image within."

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