
"Motivational stories inspired from the lives of saints."

The Villager with Happy Man

Saturday, 31 October 2020

There lived a man in a small village, who was always kind, happy and helpful with everyone who needed his help. He always smiled and seemed to be unaffected with all the difficulties of the world. Everyone who met him, also left elated and happy. He was regarded as a trustworthy person and a great friend.

One of the villagers became curious to know the reason for his peaceful mind and how he could be happy and so kind every time. In order to know the reason, he came to meet the happy man. On meeting, he asked that man, "Most of the people I knew had never been so kind and selfless. All of them had some grudge at some point of time in their lives. How is it possible for you to remain so different and happy all the time?"

The man smiled and replied, "When you are at peace with yourself, you can be at peace with the world around you. Once you recognize your soul or spirit, you understand that it is united with everything. Then there remains no need to be angry with anyone who is united with your spirit. You may feel sympathy with someone who is angry because they do not recognize that by being angry they are venting out the anger on themselves. Nobody can remain isolated when every spirit is interconnected. By recognizing and realizing this truth, your mind comes under your control. Once you can easily detach yourself from your mind and observe the thoughts coming in your mind, you can easily understand the illusions this mind tries to create and can easily control them."

The villager wanted to know further and asked, "How can one reach to such state of self consciousness?" 

The man said, "For this, good habits need to be developed. Before seeing the things clearly, you need to develop the focus and belief within you that only you are responsible for the happiness in your own life. Do not think about difficulties and problems, otherwise you would unknowingly create more problems in your life. Instead, start seeing the opportunities and the life would be filled with many opportunities as you start grabbing those opportunities. Just make your feelings and thoughts quiet, observe them without getting indulged in them. The moments of peace would be short in the beginning, but with practice and providing it sufficient time, these moments will become longer.

In time, you will realize that you are one with the Universal Power, and this will lead you to act from a different dimension, different point of view and different consciousness, not from the selfish, small, limited ego."

The villager said, "I will remember your words. But there is one more thing I am curious to know. You always seem to be happy and kind; unaffected by the environment around you. You are always helpful and people does not seem to exploit your kindness."

The man said, "Some people think being good or kind is weakness. But, being good or kind is not weakness. They are the symbols of inner strength. One who is strong from inside can be kind and considerate. Nobody can harm a human who is strong from inside. People sense this inner strength and that is the reason they do not try to harm me. Any act of harming a kind or considerate person can back fire. A good character manifests together with power and strength. When you are calm inside, you are also happy. When your mind is quiet, there is no anger, no resentment and no negative thoughts. This leads to happiness and to a feeling of content and joy."

The villager was happy and said, "Thank you very much for your explanation and guidance."

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