A person named Amukh was very upset as his life-partner betrayed him. One day, while he was thinking of taking revenge from her, a saint came in his town. The saint was famous for his abilities to help people psychologically as well. Amukh thought of asking from saint the appropriate way of taking revenge. The saint saw Amukh and asked, "Why are you so worried?" Amukh said, "My life partner betrayed me. Please tell me some way in which I can take revenge from her."
The saint said, "Let me break your question into smaller parts. The first word you said was 'My'. This is an illusion. Nothing in this world is my or yours. Recognize your identity. When you were born, where were those things you attach with yourself now by calling them as 'my'. You were born without any such thing. The moment you associate anyone or anything as yours, you automatically sow a seed of temporary pleasures and pains." Amukh was not convinced and said, "But I married her. If she was not my partner, then who was she after marriage?"
The saint said, "I will tell you a story to explain this. A person named Angad came back to village after earning a lot of money from city. He used all the money he earned to build a house. Once the house was built, he went for pilgrimage. After returning from pilgrimage, as he entered the street, he saw that his house was on fire. He started beating his chest and began crying loudly. One of his neighbors went near him and asked, 'Why are you crying?' Angad said, 'My house is burning and you are asking me the reason. I built this house with all my earnings.' His neighbor said, 'But your younger son sold this house yesterday. This is no longer your house.' Now Angad became happy and started laughing. His elder son came at that instance and saw his father laughing and enjoying. His son was confused seeing such a reaction of his father and said, 'Dad, this house is burning and you are behaving as nothing happened.' Angad said, 'But your younger brother sold it yesterday, isn't it?' His elder son replied, 'But Dad, we have not received the payment.' Listening this, Angad again started crying. At that moment, his younger son came with another man. He saw his father crying and said, 'Dad, why are you crying?' Angad said, 'My house is burning, and you are asking me.' His younger son said, 'But I sold it yesterday, now it is not our house.' Angad said, 'I know but we did not receive the payment.' His younger son said, 'Don't worry Dad, I have sold the house to this man and he will give us the payment.' The man who was with his younger son said, 'Sir, I made commitment to your son yesterday. This house now belongs to me. This is my loss. You don't worry, I shall pay you in full.' Now Angad again became happy.
Amukh, do you now understand? The house was on fire but the attachment Angad had, the feeling of 'My' house made him sad. As soon that 'My' was removed, his pain was also lost."
Amukh nodded in agreement. The saint further said, "Let me come to next words, 'Life Partner'. Do you really think she was your life partner. If she had been your life partner, she should be with you from your birth till your death. But as it does not happen, calling her as your life partner is just an illusion. Do you know who is your life partner? Till you are living, your breathes will remain with you. And till breathes remain, your body will be with you. You are in essence a soul who is having a human experience because of these partners which is gifted to you by the Almighty. If you hurt your body by the feelings of anger, revenge etc. because of someone who is not yours, then you are actually hurting your true life partner."
Amukh agreed and asked, "But what to do about her betrayal?" The saint said, "I will surely tell you about this. This was your last part, 'Betrayed Me'. I understand that it was an event that has occurred in past. Now you can give any explanation to that event. Whatever explanation you would give to your mind, it would accept it as truth. However, it only remains your perception of the event, and has nothing to do with the reality. What if I explain to you that event actually helped you from getting hurt even further. Knowing it at a later stage that you are living with someone who has no love or feelings for you would have been much worse. Take it as a lesson that woman gave you that you should not put blind trust on anyone and should not attach yourself to anyone in such a way that they can hurt you. Learn to take lesson from the events in your life and don't take it any further in your life. Make your present moment free from the rotten smells of past and you would be at peace in present."
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