
"Motivational stories inspired from the lives of saints."

Rock of Path

Wednesday 29 September 2021

In ancient times, a king ordered his men to place a huge rock on the main road of city. He then hid in the bushes and saw if anyone would try to move that rock away. However, nobody tried to move the rock away. Instead, many people blamed the king for not keeping the roads clear. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants simply walked around the rock. Disheartened to see all this, the king returned to royal palace.

This continued for several days. The king even started receiving complaints related with the rock. The king still did not order to remove the rock. One day, a peasant was going through that path carrying a bag of vegetables. Upon approaching the rock, he laid down his bag and started trying to push the rock away. After much effort, he succeeded in removing the rock from the path.

When the peasant returned to carry his bag, he found a pouch lying at the place of rock. He opened the pouch and found many gold coins inside it, with a hand-written note. The peasant unfolded the note and started reading it. It was written, "A small gift to the person who cares enough for others. From His Majesty, the King."

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